Apex Pest and Lawn is your Professional Spider Exterminators along the Wasatch Front.
Spider problems are entirely controllable under professional care. Our treatment goal is to stop a problem at its source so it doesn’t keep coming back. Using state-of-the art equipment and methods, our licensed exterminators will inspect your home’s environment and construction to identify the problem and determine the best course of action. Contact us today!
Why you have spiders:
Some types of spiders will move indoors, in search of prey and to find secure areas to build their webs. This happens most frequently as the cold weather seasons approach. Once inside they may be able to thrive in areas where prey is available such as in basements or crawlspace. House spiders feed on small flies, mosquitoes and small insects. Their webbing can be found in corners and closets, under furniture, or along joints and where the wall meets the ceiling.
General Facts:
Spiders are predatory insects and will paralyze or kill insects (usually flies) with their venom. Normally they live outside and seek protected areas around windows, doors, and eaves. They will at times move indoors, especially during the colder months. Although there are thousands of different types of Spiders found worldwide, only a handful of species are common in our area. And since they are opportunistic predators, their presence in your home or business, may be a clue to other pest infestations as spiders will feed off of other common household pests.
The spider anatomy is made up of 2 body regions, the head and abdomen. They have (8 legs), 4 pairs of legs, most have 8 eyes, but some do have 6. All spiders contain venom, but in our area, only the brown recluse, Hobo, and black widow spiders can be considered dangerous.
Most spiders are nocturnal and in general they will scurry off if frightened, unless they are protecting their eggs or young. During the day, they tend to hide in their web or in cracks or crevices. While most spiders can bite, they usually don’t unless provoked.
Common Spider Types:
Black Widow Spiders
These spiders are about ½ inch in length, with a shiny black color. They will have several reddish marks that may or may not be in the shape of an hourglass on the abdomen. Generally found outdoors, they prefer dark, undisturbed corners in basement window wells, barns, garages, and sheds. They get their name from a trait of certain species whereby the female will eat the male after mating. Their bite is dangerous because the venom contains a neurotoxin however, bites rarely kill humans if proper medical treatment is provided.
Brown Recluse Spider
The Brown recluse spider is fairly rare, but gets quite a bit of attention. It’s often blamed for spider bites from other species. It however, seldom bites unless handled or disturbed in their nests. The bite does contain venom and can painful and slow to heal. Infestations of these spiders can be detected by the presence of the skins they shed when growing. This spider is about 1/3rd of an inch in length with long, shiny and smooth legs. Their color varies from flesh colored to dark brown and Its most identifiable characteristic is a dark violin-shaped mark that begins right behind the eyes.
Wolf Spiders
Wolf spiders are large, ranging from about 1/2 inch to 2 inches in length, hairy, and are typically brown to gray in color with various markings or lines. These spiders do not sit in webs waiting for their prey and they have been known to stalk and then chase prey for short distances. Wolf spiders are not considered dangerous.
Yellow Sac Spiders
Sac Spiders are about 1/4to 3/8th inch long with no conspicuous markings. The front legs are longer than the other three pairs and the coloring ranges from pale green, light brown to tan. They will usually have darker mouth parts. The Sac Spider gets its name from its trait of constructing a silken tube like sac, in a protected area and using it as a resting or perching spot. These sacs can be located under a leaf, logs, or in corners like where a wall meets a ceiling. At night, sac spiders actively hunt insects for prey. Indoors, they can be found on walls and ceilings, and will usually drop to the floor to seek cover when disturbed.
Harvestment (or Opiliones) is a arachnid with a brown oval body and are different from spiders in that their bodies have the appearance of being a single structure without a head and abdomen. They have long thin legs, do not have venom, or silk producing capabilities, and they are scavengers that will feed on decaying matter including insects and plant material. Because if its characteristic long legs, it’s often referred to as a “daddy long legs.
Hobo Spider
The hobo spider is a member of the genus of spiders known colloquially as funnel web spiders, but not to be confused with the Australian funnel-web spider. It is one of a small number of spiders whose bites are generally considered to be medically significant. These spiders construct a funnel-shaped structure of silk sheeting and lie in wait at the small end of the funnel for prey insects to blunder onto their webs. Hobo spiders sometimes build their webs in or around homes, buildings and sheds. This species of spider has a reputation for aggressiveness, due to its poor eyesight. They will normally avoid contact with humans unless accidentally crushed or squeezed. The spider's venom is strong enough to cause considerable local pain and, possibly, necrosis.